Chlor-A-Soft Series Water Softener 60,000 grains


SKU: EWS SPREF60 Categories: ,


Clack Control Valve
Softens water, removes iron and eliminates odour
Removes chlorine and volatile organic chemicals
Simple fully programmable electronic water softener that doesnโ€™t waste any water
Self-diagnostic service features
Best efficiency water softener that uses 80% less salt than traditional water softeners
Latest modern design uses as little as 2.5lbs of water softening salt and 17 gallons of water per regeneration
Computerized design to measure exact water usage
Compact one-piece cabinet/twin tank design
Uses 80% less salt than traditional water softeners
Power outage protective cell
20 year unlimited warranty
12 Volt AC uses less than $3/yr in electricity
Bypass valve